Rentals & Renewals
We have small, medium and large Private Mailboxes for rent. When you pay for your Mailbox, click on the best suitable button below, looking like this:
You will be transfered to a new website where you will pay.
SMALL Mailbox - Up to 2 names
MEDIUM Mailbox - Up to 4 names
LARGE Mailbox - Up to 6 names
Thanks for renewing your account with us.
If any questions, please contact our customer service representative at (310) 904-3253 or BY EMAIL at
Santa Monica Mail in Santa Monica CA has a creative selection of services design to satisfied all clients. Please take the time and make the right choice according with your account
Personal Accounts* or Small Mailboxes size: 3.5" x 5.5" Our Small size boxes allow you to have a maximum of two names under the account. It can be Two individuals or various company names. PLUS+ Access 24 hours to pick up boxes.